
Synedrion An anarchist organization without leaders, dedicated to new technologies and freedom of thought. Synedrion aims to find a way of co-existing with the new ecosystem.

Synedrion is one of the 3 main Factions in Phoenix Point. Synedrion aim to find a way of co-existing with the new ecosystem and Pandorans while reforming the human society at its core. Factions are special groups and allegiances that the player can join or fight depending on different choices or interactions.




Information about Synedrion

Synedrion is an amalgamation of several political movements, with roots in social ecology, anarcho-syndicalism, and similar belief systems. Built on a strong opposition to hierarchies, Synedrion is egalitarian and radically democratic, with decisions being made via public assembly. Despite this, certain more prominent individuals do exist, and two streams of thought have begun to crystallize: the Polyphonic Tendency, who believe that the origin of humanity's dysfunctional relationship with the environment lies in hierarchies of dominance, and the Terraformers, who believe in putting humans first and are less opposed to the idea of leadership.

The current official goal of Synedrion is finding a way of co-existing with the new ecosystem, but that goal is being challenged from within.

Missions related to Synedrion

  • ???

Research Projects & Units related to Synedrion


Reputation & Diplomacy:

  • There are three reputation stages: 25 Supportive, 50 Aligned and 75 Ally. Once you reach each level, you will have to complete a special mission to progress to the next one.
  • Supportive reputation will provide you with the location of all Synedrion Havens in the world
  • Ally reputation status is needed in order to unlock Synedrion unique Researches.
  • You can increase reputation with Synedrion by completing missions for them, supporting their ideas or defending their Havens.



Notes, Trivia and Notable Loot about Synedrion

  • Notes and Tips


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